Web developer. Coding and consultation for Ethereum, Django, and Drupal

Full stack web developer and consultant, specializing in Ethereum blockchain dApp MVPs and architecting traditional web apps (with Django) and content management systems (with Drupal). All wrapped in React frontends. Skills to pay the bills in Solidity, React, Truffle, web3, Python, PHP, MySQL, Postgres, SCSS/LESS, Bootstrap, Material UI, and more.
Anthropologist. Published author and cultural expert on Japan, tourism, heritage, technology, and digital anthropology.

Academic perspectives on phenomena of tourism and movement, including the global construction of UNESCO heritage, substitutions for monetary exchange in CouchSurfing, and the emergence of "location independent" entrepreneurship. Currently researching digital nomad communities both online and on-ground.
Digital Nomad. Lifelong traveler and world exploration enthusiast.

Currently hopping around the globe for digital nomad conferences and meetups - and surfing! - while based in Australia. Travel to 80+ countries by air, land, sea, motorcycle, horse... you get the picture. Seasoned veteran of remote work and location independent living.